Sunday, May 20, 2012

Map Drawing Exercise Afterthoughts by Wooju

When we had to draw the map within a  few minutes, it was really hard to draw whole map in time. So I just focused on drawing one part where it was familiar to me. After I finished drawing and compared with other people, I realized that there were differences on how to draw the world map. Before we compared our drawings, I thought that everyone drew the map in a similar fashion. However, I was wrong. There are many differences among our drawings. And after we compared our maps with other people and was told to draw the map again, I found that there were many common facts amongst of us. Through this activity, I realized that there were differences and similarities among of us, not only the result of drawings but also how to draw and where to draw. 

The difference is that everyone drew the map differently and they focused drawing different part of the world. Such as some people drew Pacific Ocean in the middle of the map others drew Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the map and the other drew North Pole in the middle of the map. Also, some people were drawing one part with many details; others were drawing the whole world very simple way with lack of details. I think the reason for these results was because everyone had different education style, different background and they saw different map of the world. Because the world maps used in different countries are quite different, such as globe, pacific based map, Atlantic based map and Oceania based map. I was of no exception to this activity. I drew the part of the world which is familiar with me and which I saw a lot of times through the map where East Asia is,

The similarity of their drawing was when they saw others drawing first and after that we should draw again. At that time they included many information and details from other classmates. Most people drew the map in a 2d manner. Since I mentioned that when second drawing I felt like most people drew the map similarly. Also every one gathered other people's idea and added to their drawing. In my case I also focused on drawing my home country, South Korea, and near my country. And in second drawing, I also accepted other people's idea and I added other parts of the world easily. When we drew second time, many people accepted other people's drawing points and if they forgot some place to draw, they added that place when they drew the map second. I also changed my drawing when I was drawing the second map. 

According to these reasons, I found that there should be difference among everyone because of individual's background, which means their culture, where they educated from and way they think and focus on. Also I found the reason for similarity that we are accepting other people's opinion easily and they are. Because after we saw our drawings and when we have to draw the map again, most people's drawing was quite similar. 
While I was chosen to say about the first drawing, I thought about this activity and I was curious about why people draw the map in same way in second time. In first time we were drew the map own way but 
we could draw different way, but why most people want to draw the map in common way? 

Kim Wooju

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