Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The World perspective on Japan

The World Perspective on Japan 

Attention to all the men who saw this picture! What did you see? Yes, probably you have given all your attention to the lady in the middle and did not realize the King Kong in the right hand side corner. There is a statistics that proves that 100% of men are unable to realize the King Kong without being told. Was the King Kong hidden? No it wasn’t; then why weren’t men unable to realize it? [1] The answer is:                                  

                Through life we experience many events that builds up our knowledge. Based on our knowledge we create a “point of view” which is called the perspective. Perspective differs by individual’s interpretation however, there is one way to control the perspective; it is through education. Education from elder people to the younger people has a massive effect on their perspective.
                Japan had recently faced a crisis due to the nuclear power plant failure, which is believed to have an impact to the region for long lasting years. A survey is done to check how to see what the world thinks about Japan. The question was whether you think Japan as a: contaminated “dead” country. Majority answered, “yes” for the question; this is how the world view Japan now.
                Through the news I’ve heard that some Japanese have faced bullies due to the fact that they are Japanese. Those Japanese has never been close to Fukushima nor was at Japan during the incident. Many bullies occur due to wrong perceptions and miss taught information from others. Interestingly the kids who bullied were told by their parents that, “Japanese are polluted with radiation so, stay away from them.” Sadly, this was the cause of the bully.
There is more than one fact, and there are as many truths as there are persons. The world perspective towards Japan is potentially very negative and it is probably hard to change the negative views about Japan. I wish people around the world to think more flexibly and flexibility in thinking will lead to understanding. I wish people around the world have a wider “Perspective.”

[1]: Men are naturally attracted to women therefore can’t see the King Kong; related to the idea of perspective in a way that people are only able to see things in what they believe, know or have interest in. 


  1. Not until you told me did I realize the King Kong! hahaha.

    I strongly agree with that education such as school history textbooks can shape people's views. As a Japanese, I'm sad to hear that people around the world have negative perspective toward Japan. But I don't think so though there should be people saying like that because I've seen many opinions of foreign people on the internet saying that Japan will rise again. I'm saying this to tell you that The world perspectives toward japan are not necessarily negative. Your perspective toward the world might be negative in this case at the same time, I guess.

    Interesting post and photo!

    1. I agree with Yukako too. Japan today may have some negatives view but I think many people who have not been to Japan thinks that Japan is a beautiful and peaceful country. And I think it is still, people perspective is different in their beliefs from watching inside and the outside.
