Friday, July 20, 2012

The reflection from Kimuchi's blog by Jake

From reading Kimuchi’s blog, I have discovered something interesting. He introduced the MLB in the same way as what I did for my blog post. We described the number of teams and division of league. We mainly discussed about the discrimination between black and white in the league and how the league affect to solve this inequality. I did not know much about the MLB, baseball, before reading his blog. I am not really a baseball watching lover either. The only time I would watch baseball game only during the Olympic Game. I tried to watch a baseball game when I was in Korea but it did not build up any interest to me. However, after reading Kimuchi’s blog, I realized that there is something that I could learn from baseball. For example, MLB can affect the world in many ways as economy, culture, ethnical problems and it also changed the citizen’s motivation. I also realized that it was not only NBA was the sports that could impact to the society but also other sports, MLB.

            Kimuchi focuses more on team where I focus more on a specific person and mainly Asians. Even though the aspects that me and Kimuchi focus on are different, the spirits that kimuchi showed from the teams introduced was very strong. I think the spirit that the team or a member from a team has could be something that we can learn. Therefore, it is interesting to read his blog even though his topics were something that did not interest me before. When talking about what we should reform on was that we gave a lot of information rather than giving an opinion in our own word. I think this is a time that we should flash back what the blog is. Blog is more like live journals; it is more of a way expressing my idea without pen. We have to keep our heads around many different aspects of the medium. We should take the elements we described within this blog post and incorporate them into our own writing style and own opinion. As what professor keep telling us throughout this semester, I think we still have not reached stage 4, which is SO WHAT! The reflection from kimuchi gave me a lot of inspiration on how I should write for the next blog. Thank you so much Kimuchi.

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