Foreign aid can support local area in 3rd world nations?
Foreign aid is flowed into the under-developed nations, which have
purposes as developing infrastructure, solving dearth and so forth. In our
common sense, this aid would help those countries not only internal problems
but also external ones. However the world is not that kind
to support others without any interests. Those are not
merely given by humanity or philanthropic mind. It surely
comes form some vicious goals that the nations having power to control the
world, totally desire to have as making economical colony and widening their
global influences. As a circumstance, the 3rd world nations must be confronted
huge barriers that make them not to go beyond of poverty, about the economic growth.
Suppose that waiting for powerful nations until being kind to give aid without
any interests is silly behavior that never comes true. Thus, to go beyond
of those disturbances, what those nations do? The most reliable way is to
construct a local market.
Those nations should stop relying on foreign aid
came from capitalized countries and building local markets to
maintain domestic governance. Local peasants have their own way to maintain
their lives. However foreign pressure and capitalistic economy have forced them
to change the crops to other products consumer demands (Scott, 1976). The very
first time of changing the crops would give significant profits to farmers.
Unlike their expectation, unkind fluctuation of prices or changed favors of
consumer make them into bankruptcy or dearth. They can do self-sufficiency.
They grow some crops for their food and breed fishes in their reservoir. Even if they do not want to take market
economy’s idea and keep their traditional economy, they need money for
education or hospital fee. Therefore to overcome this problem, local market
should give a way. It gives two positive effects to local economy. The first
one is that it does not give any pressure to peasants to sell their food for
eating and let them sell even small amount products, as they want to sell. Thus the
peasants can have profits even if those are small. As following this circumstance, they can maintain the
education or hospital fee. Besides it makes local profits not to go outside of
village. In economic market, all output of local area go into capitalists’ pockets
and nothing left for local inhabitants. However local market can prevent it. One
of rules of governing local market is boycotting outsider’s goods. They do not give any profit for outsiders and make cycle of capital to support their own. Therefore governing
this market, local area can be independent from government and the government
also can be free from foreign debt by supported from local areas (優, 2007).
Unfortunately, the world still enforces poor countries to receive foreign
aid, but it is obviously not the way to solve the famine. It would be
short-term solution, yet it is not permanent way (Ziegler, 2011). The real
solution for local poverty is the way that how to maintain their lives as human
being continuously. Thus the best fit of that idea is local market. The world
still demands poor nations to receive it. Nonetheless output significantly
shows that it is not working. However to achieve local maintenance and freedom
from debts, local market should be adopted.
Scott, J. (1976). The moral economy fo the peasant: Rebellion and
subsistence in southeast asia. (pp. 1-246). London, England: Yale University
Ziegler, J. (2011).La faim dans le monde expliquée à mon fils. (2 ed., p.1-
74). Seuil.
優, 田中. (2007). おカネで世界を変える30の方法. (pp. 1-141). 合同出版.
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